ALIM Web Help

Receiving Comments Tracking Notifications

In a typical scenario, Final Decisions created in AssetWise ALIM for Transportation are available for viewing in ALIM Web, if the user has the required permissions. Related Workflows may be reviewed in ALIM Web once they are created.

This topic describes how to configure a user to receive Approval notifications, and how to use ALIM Web subscriptions to receive notifications.

Configuring an ALIM Person to Receive Approval Notifications

To keep informed of the progress of a submitted document, you must enable Approval emails.

Follow these steps to enable Approval email notifications.

  1. Log in to AssetWise Director with sufficient user permissions to configure Persons.
  2. Locate the user that requires the notifications, and expand the User Account Information topic.
  3. Select to enable Receive Approval Emails.
  4. Click the Save icon or link.
    For example,

Using ALIM Web Subscriptions to Receive Document Notifications

You can be notified of the progress on a submitted document, by using the Subscription feature. This option is available on the document, and can be initiated when the document is created.

Follow these steps to subscribe to a document.

  1. Open the document to which you want to subscribe notifications.
  2. From the Object menu, select Subscription.

    The Subscription Options wizard appears.

  3. Select Just me to have the notifications sent to only yourself.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select Document is approved to be notified when the document is approved.
  6. Select Document is revised to be notified each time the document is revised.
  7. Click Subscribe.